ImpressionI think it was Coco Chanel who used to say if you’re original, be ready to be copied. It is a shame to see Sephora windows filled with Paco Rabanne perfumes which is a mix of Cartier plus Cartier! Merely a copy of Cartier’s design. I love the style. I love the story, but I hate the xerox.

Copiers go fast. Marc Ange, the copyist did “La Bergère et le Bouc” but nobody have never heard from it !!! However he knows Cartier’s know-how and design and he has only copied Cartier’s design for the new Paco Rabanne Perfume.

Everyone wants to be famous. Everybody wants to be a designer. That’s the new dream. It looks like if Marc Ange comes  from a reality tv show. But, in fact, the problem is some people should stop creating. If your are not a designer, your are a copier and especially now, with internet, it is easier to find the story of a brand design.