Iroquois haircuts, also known as Mohawk, are a bold and distinctive hairstyle. ‘Yes, it’s a cross between a punk and a monk disguised as a hedgehog, the Iroquois, this haircut could have been a symbol of war status, a message to the Lord of luxury the big Bernard, perhaps!
But these dresses are to be found in the collections of many museums around the world. They have a specific name, they were called court dresses, or corpse dresses, according to the ceremonial dress of the European courts of the 18th century, they symbolised social rank, wealth and power, and that hasn’t changed much.
It was Louis XIV, the Sun King, who contributed to its design around 1680. It consisted of a rigid whalebone bodice laced at the back, a crinoline skirt and separate sleeves. It also included a train worn either at the waist or falling from the shoulders, but the Maria prefers without a train to admire the world origin of ‘courbet’, a visit under the girls’ dresses, a must.