Thom Browne or the outward sign of inner wealth, for one of the most personal collections he has ever presented, bringing the public into the decor of his bedroom. With celadon green and azure blue floral wallpaper, the morning that promises to anyone who knows how to dream, mix of checks, plaids, intarsia to create images through the juxtaposition of hues and embroidery made without false note.
With her shimmering pastel sense of color, there is also an overcoat and pleated skirt that could nerf the Coco “Charnel” for a collection by an androgynous artist, which incenses my wandering mind. What a wonderful present that your poetry, from another time Sir, delivered in this sumptuous case, inaccessible and senseless to the uninitiated for an indefectible pleasure of the eye. Giving is a physical and psychic need, the adrenaline of a heart in search of the pleasure of sharing together the beauty of sewing. Thank you for that. Continue reading