There are undoubtedly some paradoxes in wanting to deal with ethos in a century that has abundantly boasted of having liquidated the poetry of its vocabulary. In fact, the very term ethos refers first of all to contemplations, its cohort of outcasts, and all those Greek words swept away by the supposedly liberating breath of today’s society. This word is hardly used anymore in our country except as a mockery to indicate a pretentious and bloated style.
Life is like that and everything gives hope, because from its failures, from its pains, we keep the mortgage of our mistakes, and Carine Viard, each time a little more, advances to transform the brand with the two Cs, after a Karl thundering of radiation, she will finally shine in the shadow of the house.
The last dresses like butterflies, silk fans as Gérard de Nerval might have said, dresses that unfold in azure colors like the golden wings of Lepidoptera, tiny wings of sailboats mistreated by the wind, superfluous petals that wander through the gardens of the Champs-de-Mars and end the presentation in beauty.