It is a pleasure under our eyes when the hand of the creator unrolls her creations of a world where everything seems to collapse. She drags us from peaks to abysses, between the infinity of time, which sometimes is suspended, to penetrate our intimate fiber. The creator, about whom everyone speaks in Paris, sublimates the sublime, by a simple and mastered collection; couture spirit says to me the man of the Spring next to me.
Feverish ardor of youth, Dgena transports our despairs, our doubts, our tortures in front of the infinite, and during twenty minutes, she looks after the incurable evils of our anguishes to see one more collection for nothing. This is the magic of fashion, when it is well done, when it treats the planet to come and calm the 100 billion clothes produced. Since the beginning of the year, Dgena has been recovering fabrics from designers and recycling them into chic and wearable couture for today’s youth. How can we not listen to these very young talents who are more aware of our world than we are of the rest of our lives?
Two hundred people in London Street were crowding to see this young girl, as blonde as the desert sand and as soft as a spoon of honey from Lebanon. I’ve been looking at the multiple collections that are offered to us for almost seven days and fortunately a breath of fresh air has blown over the Parisian couture. Dgena, in her small workshop, has created a collection that stands out from the crowd, and it’s good for the profession to finally have a fashion designer who designs and creates by herself.