PARIS FASHION WEEK1Who is Anonymode? Nobody knows. “I love fashion and yet, I could not called this text “No-Fashion”. It is a professional manifesto, the finding that a radical change takes place in the mode that makes the current fashion system completely obsolete in France.

We can notice that “the fashion industry has dug his grave” and led to its destruction. It starts with the malfunctioning of fashion schools supposed to form industrial designers, they are not; economic pressures creators and pushing them to diversify with shoes, perfumes and handbags, focusing less on clothing; the profusion of journalists and bloggers (who dare not say nasty things) motivated by the profusion of gifts sent to them, the price of clothing that is not in line with the work done to achieve …

Soon we will no more talk about fashion but clothes with the return to the workshops, hand shaping, business weaving, local productions which aims to shine internationally. Fortunately we have still the designers of 1980’s who still drug the French fashion.

Fashion is disappearing, long live to clothes !