Located on Madison Avenue that enclave where even the air is monetised the ephemeral boutique promises conferences, events and, probably, an overdose of synthetic molecules. YSL Beauty, Lancôme, Bath & Body Works and other prestigious brands will be on hand to show off their new products to perfume lovers and passers-by looking for an excuse to get intoxicated by something other than New York pollution.
The president of the Fragrance Foundation, insists that ‘this is not a commercial pressure’, which is a bold statement when you consider that the boutique is literally a temple of consumerism. But after all, in an America where the presidential campaign increasingly resembles a battle of slogans on TikTok, who are we to judge?
The perfume market has been booming since the pandemic. The numbers are clear: +12% in prestige, +9% in mass. It’s clear that between a stifling political climate and debates where everyone accuses the other of smelling of sulfur, a good perfume might just be the only way to keep some voters from choking.
In short, while the economy may be smelly, Madison Avenue will be smelling of roses… or chemical patchouli, depending on your tastes. See you on Friday for a taste of the times – literally and figuratively.