PFWRevolution in the French Fédération of Couture, it has upgraded its website and opened more to the digital world. It is a blow of modernity, they are finally launching new digital tools, an Application iphone, and broadcast on the social media like twitter etc… It looks like a train which is always late.

It is strange to start a new “Has Been” strategy. What have they done all those years ! Instagramme, Twitter… are a must to have. However what about the Dark Net, and other new tools to broadcast your information. You said “Has Been”, I would dare to say: “Dead”.

By the way do not forget to add images as we are no more in the 1990’s when we could only have text. To pay an application € 50 000, when you can have the same application for € 5 000. No wonder why the Fédération has no money for promoting new designers, the future talents.

Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man’s original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion (Oscar Wild)
