Paris, city of light and capital of fashion, is now the scene of a Fashion Week that has been reduced to a champagne cork. Forget the monumental catwalks, the quivering crowds and the pharaonic happenings. This season, the designers decided to play hide-and-seek with the guests, stashing their collections in pocket lounges, shoeboxes and, at this rate, soon in an AirBnB in the Marais.

The lucky few were therefore able to attend the ultra-intimate shows of this edition. At Givenchy, Sarah Burton orchestrated her grand premiere in front of 300 people. A terrifying number, almost a human tide in this new fashion order. Alongside them, Tom Ford and Haider Ackermann rivalled each other in their ingenuity: a lounge atmosphere, subdued lighting, dry martinis and, above all, a guest list so short that even the models were reluctant to enter. If you weren’t one of the 200 happy few invited, there was no need to insist: you weren’t invited, and that’s the whole point.

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