When Donatella Versace transforms your bedding into haute couture: is fashion reaching its peak or its point of no return? But for Bob the man who, blessed by the gods of kitsch, looked at a curtain rod and said to himself: “Hey, what if I made a dress for Scarlett Honiara. Result: a legendary parody of “Gone with the Wind” concept à la Jaques Mumuse. But if Mackie dared to hijack Donatella Versace’s living room decor then forget the concept of “dressing room”, welcome to the era of “bedroom chic”!
Festival of baroque! Prints so bold that we wonder if the wallpaper of a Venetian hotel from the 80s was not used as a moodboard. On leggings, sculpted skaters, “because we do not skate with love”, blouses with “leg of lamb by Agneli” sleeves.
Men’s fashion, with flashy shirts and gold accessories worthy of a nostalgic rapper from the 90s. We even had the right to sequined t-shirts and jeans, for those who want to sparkle for no good reason. To perfect this ode to maximalism, heated benches and rococo blankets were made available yes, we are close to the thermal experience and for my bimbo demi-mondaine neighbor “finally Hot”.